Calm mum wannabe

I'm just a calm mum wannabe, muddling on through from tantrum to tantrum, one big deep breath at a time. Ommmm....

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Last post!

A year has passed since my last post, and friends keep asking me if I'm still blogging... The answer is yes and no. My Om in Mom phase has most definitely fizzled out, and I feel I should wrap up this phase of chronic oversharing with a few words of explanation. Whilst it's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster (remember the horse manure?), it's also been a very fun project. It has helped me push myself out of my comfort zone and it has even been a helping hand into starting writing for a living.

I'm still very much searching for the "Om" in Mom, but parenting a 4 and 5.5 year old is much easier than parenting a 2 and 3.5 year old. (Mums of littler ones take note: your time will come... back!) The boys are growing into "real people" now, and we do lots more fun things as a whole family (rollerskating and bike rides being the latest ones we love).

My youngest son started school in September, and I supppose it's no coincidence that my withdrawal from mum blogging has come at a time when I am beginning to find myself again, after being in the toddler tunnel for the last five years or so. I'm also starting to re-define my career aspirations and, in line with that, I'm working on a language-related blog that I'm hoping may be useful for language learners. More details to follow...

In the meantime, in true Om in Mom style, this meandering post wouldn't be complete without me embarrassing myself with a nice, overly sentimental anecdote, now would it?

The other weekend, my dad, my partner and I went for a walk, with my sons on their bikes. We hadn't been walking long when it started to rain. I was all for turning back, but my dad and my partner pooh-poohed that idea, so we kept going. Later on, I was glad they hadn't listened to me, because we saw no less than four rainbows on that walk. One was particularly awe-inspiring, a perfect arc of colour stretching over our little local park like someone had painted it in the sky.

I couldn't help but think of the lesson learned from that walk as a gorgeously cheesy piece of metaphorical advice for life itself: you've got to push on through the rain because otherwise you'll miss the rainbows that are waiting for you around the corner.

And that's more than enough cheesiness from me. This is Om in Mom, hanging up my hat and retiring from the public sphere. Farewell, my dear friends. Thanks for dropping by. It's been fun oversharing with you.


  1. Ahhhhh! Sad that this is your last post on this blog (which has made me guffaw out loud on more than one occasion!), but looking forward to your new writing adventures! xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Really sad not to read more of your blog, but really happy you´re evolving. Being a Mom with or without Om in Spain is a kind of "nobody knows the trouble I seen" endeavour. Hope you shed the "trailing spouse" skin and break into whatever sphere you want to be in. Good luck and thanks for the blogging.
